JANUARY | For the gift of diversity in the Church

Let us pray that the Spirit help us recognize the gift of different charisms within the Christian community, and to discover the richness of different ritual traditions in the heart of the Catholic Church.

Pope Francis – JANUARY 2024

There is no need to fear the diversity of charisms in the Church. Rather, living this diversity should make us rejoice!
Diversity and unity were already very much present in the first Christian communities. The tension had to be resolved on a higher level.
But there’s more. To move forward on the journey of faith, we also need ecumenical dialogue with our brothers and sisters of other confessions and Christian communities.
This is not something confusing or disturbing, but is a gift God gives to the Christian community so it might grow as one body, the Body of Christ.
Let’s think, for example, of the Eastern Churches. They have their own traditions, their own characteristic liturgical rites…yet they maintain the unity of the faith. They strengthen it, not divide it.
If we are guided by the Holy Spirit, abundance, variety, diversity, never cause conflict.
The Holy Spirit reminds us first and foremost that we are children loved by God – everyone equal in God’s love, and everyone different.
Let us pray that the Spirit help us recognize the gift of different charisms within the Christian communities, and to discover the richness of different ritual traditions within the Catholic Church.


Campaign title:

The Pope Video – January 2024: For the gift of diversity in the Church

A project by Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network

In collaboration with Vatican Media

Creativity and co-production by:


Thanks to:

Sisters Hospitallers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States
Taizé Community
Franciscan Media Center

With the Society of Jesus

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