February 2016: Care for Creation

That we may take good care of creation–a gift freely given–cultivating and protecting it for future generations.

Pope Francis – February 2016


“The Pope Video” for February Addresses “The Care of Creation”

In the February Pope Video, Pope Francis asks people to pray for the care of creation. This is the second video of the monthly campaign of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) through which Pope Francis calls men and women of the world to join him in praying for diverse challenges facing humanity.

(Vatican, February 5, 2016) Today Pope Francis released a video asking people of the world to unite with him in prayer for the care of creation. This is the second video of the monthly campaign of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) through which Pope Francis calls men and women everywhere to pray in solidarity in response to diverse challenges facing humanity.

February’s Pope Video focuses on ecology and the care of creation. Rev. Frédéric Fornos, a Jesuit priest and international director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network said, “The prayer intention for February comes at a crucial time for humanity, addressing an area where we urgently need to make changes. The Pope asks us to unite in respect for creation and to act to preserve the natural world for future generations. We need a conversation that brings us together, because we are all affected by environmental challenges, especially the poor and displaced.”


Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network

Campaing title:

The Pope Video – February: Care for Creation

Idea and project coordination:

La Machi

Creative agency:

La Machi

Pope Francis shooting:

Centro Televisivo Vaticano

Production house:


Sound mixing & music:


Ecology, Planet, Nature, Earth, Ecosystem, Creation, Future, Contamination, Pollution, Climate Change, Laudato Si

adminFebruary 2016: Care for Creation