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VIEWS 2024
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九月 | 为社会边缘人祈祷
Let us pray for those people on the margins of society in subhuman living conditions, that they may not be neglected by institutions and never be cast out.
九月 | 请为废除死刑祈祷
We pray that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legallyabolished in every country.
八月 | 请为中小企业祈祷
We pray for small and medium-sized businesses; in the midst of economic and social crisis, may they find ways to continue operating, and serving their communities.
七月 | 请为老年人祈祷
We pray for the elderly, who represent the roots and memory of a people; may their experience and wisdom help young people to look towards the future with hope and responsibility.
五月 | 请为年轻人的信仰祈祷
We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest; may they see in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service.
四月 | 请为医护工作者祈祷
We pray for health care workers who serve the sick and the elderly, especially in the poorest countries; may they be adequately supported by governments and local communities.
MARCH | For a Christian response to bioethical challenges
We pray for Christians facing new bioethical challenges; may they continue to defend the dignity ofall human life with prayer and action.
二月 | 为修女及度奉献生活的女性祈祷
We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to find new responses to the challenges of our times.
一月 | 为遭受宗教歧视与迫害的人祈祷
We pray for all those suffering from religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and dignity be recognized, which originate from being brothers and sisters in the human family.
DECEMBER | Catechists
Let us pray for the catechists, summoned to announce the Word of God: may they be its witnesses, with courage and creativity and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
NOVEMBER | People who suffer from depression
We pray that people who suffer from depression or burn‐out will find support and a light that opens them up to life.
OCTOBER | Missionary Disciples
We pray that every baptized person may be engaged in evangelization, available to the mission, by being witnesses of a life that has the flavour of the Gospel.
SEPTEMBER | An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle
We pray that we all will make courageous choices for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, rejoicing in our young people who are resolutely committed to this.
We pray that, in social, economic and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship.
11月 : 为人工智能
人工智能是我们正在经历的根本性时代变革。如果机器与公益结合,可创造更美好的世界。因为如果技术的进步加剧了不平等,就不是真正的进步。 未来的發展应导向尊重人与受造界的尊严。
10月 : 妇女在教会内担任领导职务
没有人受洗为司铎或主教。我们都是领洗为平信徒。平信徒男女是教会的主角 。今天特别需要拓展空间,凸显女性在教会内的临在。而我们务必强调女性平信徒的临在,因为妇女常被放置一旁。
5月: 为执事
执事不是二等司铎。 他们是圣职团的一员并在家庭中与家人活出自己的圣召。 他们致力于为穷人服务,这些穷人身上带着苦难基督的面容。 执事是教会中服务工作的守护者。 祈愿执事在为圣言和穷人的服务上保持忠信,成为振奋整个教会的标记。